You gonna need to study a little bit.
If you want a moving object. like a bouncing ball, or a rotating wheel, you can do it trough vertex animation.
If you want more control over an animation, or a more complex object/character, then you gonna need bones.
Normally we animate using bones, the process of adding bones to a object is called rigging.
Then you want to "attach" the rig the your object/character. This process is called skinning.
A swinging axe trap can be animated trough vertex aniamtion or trough bones.
My advice is, search a little bit about vertex animation, rigging and skinning. Then you gonna figure it what is the best approach for your problem.
THEN, you need a little bit of study on how to animate (animation curves).
If you want a moving object. like a bouncing ball, or a rotating wheel, you can do it trough vertex animation.
If you want more control over an animation, or a more complex object/character, then you gonna need bones.
Normally we animate using bones, the process of adding bones to a object is called rigging.
Then you want to "attach" the rig the your object/character. This process is called skinning.
A swinging axe trap can be animated trough vertex aniamtion or trough bones.
My advice is, search a little bit about vertex animation, rigging and skinning. Then you gonna figure it what is the best approach for your problem.
THEN, you need a little bit of study on how to animate (animation curves).