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3Ds Max: Change default Material editor RGB Color?

polycounter lvl 11
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Kyle_butler polycounter lvl 11
Is it possible to change the Default Blinn difuse color from 150,150,150 to 230,230,230 automaticaly?

Every single time, I have to adjust up to 80 materilas difuse colors by hand, because when I export using the default 150,150,150, my textures look very dull and dark...

So I wanted the deafult difuse color to be 230,230,230.
I can't seem to find a way to do it...


  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    You can add this script to your startup scripts. It trys to only change materials with the default color of 150 150 150.
    callbacks.removeScripts id:#MaterialDefault
    callbacks.addScript #mtlRefAdded "mat = callbacks.notificationParam(); if classof mat == StandardMaterial do if mat.diffuseColor as point4 == [0.588,0.588,0.588,1] or mat.diffuseColor as point4 == [0.588235,0.588235,0.588235,1] do mat.diffuseColor = (color 230 230 230)" id:#MaterialDefault

    To disable just remove the startup script and restart 3ds Max.

    Also, if you have a scene with materials already created you can just use this script when needed:
    for mat in getClassInstances StandardMaterial processAllAnimatables:true do mat.diffuseColor = (color 230 230 230)
  • Kyle_butler
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    Kyle_butler polycounter lvl 11
    Dear God, monster! Thank you very much! It will considerably speed up my workflow. I will test it as soon as I get to the studio!
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