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polycounter lvl 3
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PRS polycounter lvl 3
Hi everybody! I'm a recent graduate from the US. I'm working on cutting my reel together, and would love some comments / critiques on what I have currently.


  1. 3D scene: Responsible for all aspects.
  2. Character Animation: Responsible for animation
  3. 3D level set: Responsible for all aspects.
  4. Mammoth Animation: Responsible for Rigging and Animation.
  5. Character Animation: Responsible for Rigging and Animation.
  6. Turtle Animation: Responsible for Rigging and Animation.


  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    Great start. A few notes.

    -Are you going for a generalist position or an animator position? It seems like you have more animation than modeling, and would suggest putting the modeling at the end of your reel, not the start.

    -The mammoth "jump" kind of ruins that piece. If possible, go back and polish that more. It's really quick and doesnt show much weight.

    -Ditch the controls on the last few pieces. They take away from your animation. If you have them on to show that you rigged it, create a separate section of your reel that shows a rig you did. Fraps you playing around with the rig, showing deformation and the different features you have incorporated.

    -the music. Not a fan of it. You chose a piece that takes a bit to ramp up, so once it does ramp up, it suddenly stops. The music definitely made me think the reel would be longer than it is.

    -title cards. Extend the one at the end, and put one at the start of your reel as well. 3 seconds at the start, 3-5 at the end.
  • PRS
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    PRS polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks Slipsius!

    I rearranged the animation to the front, and added a title card to the beginning.

    I also added some FRAPS shots of playing with the rigs.

    The music was switched out, and I think it works better.

  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    Much better! It reads a lot better now. Better music. Get rid of the green shirted guy with the club. Definitely your weakest piece (especially the run). And the rig stuff is just a tad too fast. People speed theirs up, but i think you took it a little far.

    keep it up!
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