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polycounter lvl 11
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eyasuu polycounter lvl 11
First thread. Its exciting and nerve racking to say the least. I have been creepin for a while, with minimal posting. I have finally deciding to post something to explore with others and immerse myself fully in the community, so here goes.

This project first started out as a lighting and textural experiment (which it still is). I found the lighting inside my bathroom to be a still kind of beauty, so I wanted to capture it in the 3d space. I would start with a sense of realism, texture wise, then go towards some weird venture of marks or paint.

Where I am currently at:

Below is some process work and inspiration to kind of understand how I got to this point. Everything is kind of in basic mode, just trying to get a feel for the lighting and basic color of the space

Some inspiration: What Modern Design Teaches us about Environment Art Gdc talk.


Reference of the light and where I started

Some Process work:

Paint overs

If you guys have any crits or feedback I would love to hear from ya
Thanks for taking the time to look
Be Easy


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Throw some dust partciles in the light shaft area to accent the light shaft. It's a good start.
  • eyasuu
    Offline / Send Message
    eyasuu polycounter lvl 11
    Hey thanks man! I will do. Hoping to finish this up this week.

    I've been a little busy working and haven't had much time to put into this other then obsessing about lighting and composition, with some textural work. I can't really seem to find a final color and composition for this shot but keep feeling like I'm edging toward it. So I thought I'd come to you guys for some help.



    Thanks for looking
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