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Destiny Hand Cannon: The Devil You Know

polycounter lvl 14
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ScottHoneycutt polycounter lvl 14
Hello Polycount. I'm now working on a Destiny fan art of the hand cannon "The Devil You Know". Below are the results of night #1 and night #2.

ref: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140918003901/destinypedia/images/a/ad/My_Great_Capture_Screenshot_2014-09-17_08-34-30.png

night #1

night #2


  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Your reference image provided isn't that good tbh, I've had to go on google to search it up myself but based off the reference I'd say you're still missing a few big shapes in here e.g...
    - the nuts/bolts in the handle
    - the trigger ring is too thick.
    - I think the reflection in the holes in your reference have confused you because the loops on the top of the chamber aren't actually those car shaped holes, they're actually rectangles.
    - just spend a little more time defining the shapes properly before going too deep into the high-poly

    My biggest advice is that you really make sure you understand the shape to any model you start by gaining as much clear reference as possible since right now my impression is that you've kind of looked at this one reference and then half guessed after knocking out a few rough shapes.

    It's a good start though, keep going (Y)

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