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Unreal 4 2D Thread

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littleclaude quad damage
Unreal 4, 2D Paper Thread

Been looking into making a 2D Game in UE4 and it's quite intuitive. Thought I would share some of my findings, please feel free to add your nuggets.

"The goal of Paper2D is first-class support for making 2D and hybrid 2D/3D games in UE4."

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Tappy Chicken 2D html 5


  • lbug7575
    Tappy Chicken 2D html 5
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Unreal Engine 4 Support Twitch Broadcast: Paper2D Basics

  • littleclaude
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    I would like to know how to jump onto a platform from under it in UE4? Is there a sprite option or can I change the blueprint to change the collision of a Box?


  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Has anyone got any tips on how to jump onto a platform from under it in UE4?

    Is there a sprite option?

    Can I change the blueprint to change the collision of a Box?

    How is this done in Unity/Construct?
  • Higuy
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    Higuy polycounter lvl 11
    Maybe theres a way for objects to have no collision when the player is below them, but when above, collision is reassigned? There is probably a better, more efficient way to do it. I went and watched a panel on creating 2d games with Unreal 4 back in April at ECGC. It was interesting, but it still seems like its really still in its infancy and alot of basic stuff (and documentation, and tutorials on more complex stuff) just arent there still. Its great for 2d platformers but other games, say like a pokemon type view, is still just not there (requiring different depths). Unfortunately I dont think we went over jump through platforms during the panel.

    Personally I use Gamemaker, which is insanely simple and easy (also sometimes a bit inefficient though) and the way I did jump through platforms on a platformer was to check and see if there was collision above the player at a certain point, and allow him to jump through it by not making it solid. When hes coming back down it checks for collision below him and makes it solid, thus landing him above.
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Hello, i got an answer to this problem on another forum, they said the following, ill give it a try some time soon, got too much work on at the moment but it seems pretty obvious now :)

    What you are asking can range between very simple and very complicated depending on how you want to implement it in your game. I will try to give you some pointers on where to start and hopefully you can pick up from there and expand it to better suit your needs.

    As you have guessed (simplest method)the way to go is to disable collision for the tile you want the player to be able to jump through. You create a bp that has that tile inside it and you add a box collision a little bigger than the tile itself. then when the player touches that collision box you disable the bp's collision and when he exits you re enable it.

    Things to consider: make it only work when the player is ascending (tip:get his velocity) to avoid funky situations.
    Experiment with the collision box size to make it feel more "natural". And last but not least you need to create a safe zone so that the bp will not re enable collisions as long as the player is inside the tile , otherwise he will get stuck.

    I hope that the above information can get you started. Good luck with your game!
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Nice up date! - https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Support/Builds/ReleaseNotes/2015/4_8/index.html

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