There any way to have the planar mapping option box and unfold option box open at the same time in maya?
I planar map one shell and then always move it away from the other shells and unfold it before planar mapping the next, so I always end up having to go into the file menu's again and again and again and again (left out a fair few and again's haha) because when I open up the unfold option box the planar mapping one closes.
Have to use option boxe for planar mapping so I can change between x y and z mapping and have to use option box for unfold to change whether UV's are pinned or what direction to unfold.
Not really sure how to setup a shelf button to have the settings I need like I am meant to have "keep image width/height ratio" turned on when its off by default. Making it X, Y and Z I can do but other settings no idea.
polyProjection -ch 1 -type Planar -ibd on -kir -md z pCube1.f[0];
Thats what I get from a Z planar mapping in the script editor but it having pcube 1 in there seems wrong but not sure what of it i'd be making into a button.
Here are a couple shelf buttons I already had on hand for your convenience:
polyProjection -ch 1 -type Planar -ibd on -md x;
textureWindowSelectConvert 4;
unfold -i 5000 -ss 0.001 -gb 0 -gmb 0.5 -pub 0 -ps 0 -oa 0 -us off;
give it a go, might massively speed up your workflow.