Hey there,
Just looking to get some eyes on my portfolio and possibly get some advice. I am looking to take out a few of my more weak pieces. Let me know what you think is my weakest and why! I have also been thinking about adding some environment work and staying away from characters. Any advice or criticism is appreciated and thank you for your time.
Update: I have optimized my website and corrected some issues. It should be much faster than before! I apologize for the issues.
Anyone else, or just me?
fixed: Fixed (one too many http's)
As far as the site goes I found it pretty slow to load I worry any employer looking at it would not wait long enough and just move onto the next one on their list. Its fine when once its all cached on the users system but the fist time load is really slow.
You have some really nice work though But I would remove the "PLK FLAME" or finish it as it looks very half done compared to the rest of your work.
Hope this helps some.
The website is pretty nice tho
Thanks, I was afraid that my proportions were off. Something I have to work on.
Also, I performed a few optimizations on the site and am currently running another. I hope it is faster for those viewing now.