Hey all, getting back into 3D after a long time away... This is probably a super noob error but with my normals I'm getting this:
no normals:
I've checked the unwrap, there's no inverted faces or anything... Can someone help please?
Not only is is the corners of the case, but the ridges on the bottom of the case have baked out fine, but on the top of the case, they're inverted(?)
I haven't tried Marmoset but even just looking at the normal map you can see it's wrong, so surely that would translate over to other viewers? I'll give it a try in Marmoset/UE4 tonight though.
Also make sure all your vertices are welded too (This still happens to me!).
Depending on your topology too - it might worth re-unwrapping the UVs for the bottom of the case so that its one UV shell too?
All vertices are welded as well. I did reunwrap the pieces as well and it had the same result? I'm at a complete loss as to whats going on
James O'hare right? (Your profile picture is familiar). Long time no speak!
I shall try inverting the green channel when I get home.
You were bang on, inverted the green channel in max's RTT dialog and it's solved the issue!