Hello i am having a hard time with Joint based Rig facial joints wonk orient correctly with result skin deformation the problem is when i rotate the head joint everything's parented correctly and moves as it should but the joints for the facial expression wont rotate while rotating the head they stay static fixed to their original orientation how can i fix it
i think the problem is i followed a tutorial where he used motion path to the curve and attach 2 bones to it as i showed it on the latest video
I believe the problem comes that the joints are fixed oriented to the curve and the head or neck joint that's why i think they stay fixed when i rotate i am showing on the video i tried an orient constrain from the cheek bone to the head bone it looked like the orientation kinda matched though dunno if that's the right way to go..
what do u think could be the best solution here
? it is driving me nuts here
I also uploaded a video on youtube to have a better look for anyone willing to help me