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Female assassin

polycounter lvl 3
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mickaelb polycounter lvl 3

On my last project, Wolverine, I had difficulties to place an make good cloth folds. So I want to practice it in this new project.

I chose an Assassin's creed illustration from Will Muray :

For the moment I'm always thinking about what her back could look like (how the hood is attached), so I started the sculpt of the body.

For the face I spent most of the time on the lips, which generated some proportions mistakes on the rest. I will work again on it.


Please let me C&C, and if you have an idea about what does the back look like, don't hesitate to share ! ;)


  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Great concept! Really interesting costume elements you have there. I really like the proportions of the base figure. The back might be a bit hollow and the face looks like it has a way to go yet.

    Nice stuff!
  • mickaelb
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    mickaelb polycounter lvl 3
    kanga wrote: »
    Great concept! Really interesting costume elements you have there. I really like the proportions of the base figure. The back might be a bit hollow and the face looks like it has a way to go yet.

    Nice stuff!

    Thank you Kanga,

    I did a break on this project, because I'm working on another one for a contest.

    I think I will post some updates next week.

    To more, I just saw this on Artstation : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/assassin-girl-wip

    Haha finally I am not the only one using this concept... I think will make a character ready for next-gen video game (40-50k faces).
  • RocketBryan
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    RocketBryan polycount sponsor
    Yes! I definitely love the original illustration, but I bet you could pull off the concept closer to the original stylization. Definitely be looking forward to more.
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