Hi everyone, I wanted to share with you my very first serious head that I started scultping. I wanted to get the best character possible so I would love to recieve some feedback thanks!
Yeah good start!
You should also have some fun doing sculpt sketches using photos as reference and trying young, old, male female while practicing with the software as well.
it seems your subdivision level is all over too high... thats why some forms look so bulky and uneven, i would zremesh or dynamesh the head to a much lower density and rework the forms of the head.
then work yourself up slowly with the details and try to get the sculpt clean and nice
i think the small gap between the nose and lips is a bit too strong
the ears are a bit too high
all the rest seems good... may recheck all over proportions several times with anatomy references...
try to get it clean and smooth and it will be killer
Your guy is getting a bit overworked now. You've lost a lot of what was working in the previous ieteration. If you've got an earlier save, it might be worth jumping back to it. Aside from being pretty lumpy, it wasn't too far from being a solid model.
As Skodone suggests, you really need to drop back and work at a lower subdivision level, You'll have a far easier time pushing the forms around and cleaning up those shapes.
Thanks Skodone and Jack! in this interation I jumped back to a previews save and started working from there cleaning mesh, lowering polygon count and adjusting proportions, what do you think?
It looks like he has an expression, an ummmmm. Try get the base to be relaxed. Checking out face planes on google will help a lot:
Keep Trukin'
Thanks for your feedback!, Using the faceplanes and lowering even more the polycount I like even more how the model is looking!. But I feel like there is some human feeling missing, skin details and etc what do you think?.
thats the thing you go down with your subdivision and do everything big
like faceplanes proportions check everything until your head is a human head :P
THEN you go up in subdivision and add wrinkles, alphas, spots, scratches and so on
so continue this way check the model on all apsects then proceed to detail and texture
Thanks skodone!, here this past week I have been working on the head a lot studying and trying to get it as best as posible, still working on it what do you think?
Please don't post pictures with software UI. Everyone here saw Zbrush. We don't need a reminder how it looks (or it shouldn't ;p).
It's a good first sculpt. You definitely need to improve:
- jaw line (it looses shape of the bone. If you are hiding the bone under flappy meat you still could improve how those shape read)
- ears (you just punched a hole in them. Not how real ears look like. Also they are really flat when you are looking at them from the frontal view)
- eyebrows - it looks like he has bone sticking out front those.
Use reference images, learn about anatomy, keep practicing => profit.
You should also have some fun doing sculpt sketches using photos as reference and trying young, old, male female while practicing with the software as well.
Keep em coming.
then work yourself up slowly with the details and try to get the sculpt clean and nice
i think the small gap between the nose and lips is a bit too strong
the ears are a bit too high
all the rest seems good... may recheck all over proportions several times with anatomy references...
try to get it clean and smooth and it will be killer
Your guy is getting a bit overworked now. You've lost a lot of what was working in the previous ieteration. If you've got an earlier save, it might be worth jumping back to it. Aside from being pretty lumpy, it wasn't too far from being a solid model.
As Skodone suggests, you really need to drop back and work at a lower subdivision level, You'll have a far easier time pushing the forms around and cleaning up those shapes.
check the chin and lower lips from the sideview and try to shape the faceplanes
really nice (google if you dont know what that is)
also lower the polycount moremore, no more wrinkles shoud be visible!
Keep Trukin'
like faceplanes proportions check everything until your head is a human head :P
THEN you go up in subdivision and add wrinkles, alphas, spots, scratches and so on
so continue this way check the model on all apsects then proceed to detail and texture