I was wondering if there is any value in putting certificates from DigitalTutors on my resume. I have seen some artists do it, but not a lot. I thought it wouldn't hurt, but wasn't sure if it was some sort of industry faux pas or something. Thoughts?
Your portfolio should do a much better job showcasing your artistic ability than something that says you did a tutorial.
Don't bloat your resume with irrelevant stuff. Putting competitions you competed in would carry more weight than that. And even then, its ALL about your portfolio.
Could be worth it if you're applying for a teaching gig at a for-profit school or workshop. Or you made a gumroad paid lesson for example. Someone might be impressed enough they'll buy your tutorial cuz you have creds to back your skillz up
That's a good point. I didn't think of that. I'll keep it off my main resume when applying to studios, but maybe I'll put it on my website or LinkedIn somewhere.