Basically this is my very first baked 3d model (I usually just texture models).
Despite some issues I'm quite satisfied with how the actual model turned out complete with it's low-poly and bakes.
Now I'm off to texturing this :V
First time I'm doing this type of rubber damage, I used some reference and inspiration on Grassam's textures for Far Cry 4's Spas-12

*note that only the diffuse it's finished, the specular + gloss are still a heavy work in progress.
*shame on me for misplacing the edge damage
Diffuse if anyone is interested
For model critiques it is looking really good. I only have two suggestions to improve it:
A) The action bar is too short/ too small on the y-axis ;
For textures, I think your metal material is great, but lacks the top layer of finish that would be applied to treat the metal. For the Ithaca I think parkerization is the most common finish. It would be awesome to have the more matte parkerization finish as the primary metal coating and your current metal material as the wear/ scratches/ metal base underneath.