So recently I've being doing a lot of textures for a web game.
I make the textures at 1024 in Photoshop and keep the PSD at that size so I have a decent quality copy of them, then I export a Targa, open the Targa in Photoshop and re-size the Targa to the size the texture will be in-game and save it.
This method has worked for me for as long as I can remember but right now I'm doing a lot of textures and often have to make small changes which requires repeating the process each time.
I've just been thinking there's got to be a better way. Using save for web and devices is probably my favorite Photoshop tool but as far as i know it can't support Targa files.
Does anyone have a better method of re-sizing textures or exporting them at the right size to begin with? I'd love to hear them.
One opened the psd, flattened it and saved that as a tga. The other loaded the tga files, sharpened and resized to 50% then saved that as another tga.
You just drag and drop the files onto it. I think I went further and wrote batch file or ruby wrappers around the process, artists just clicked s button and all their psds got processed.
These days with multiple hardware skus there are more elegant ways.
You might also try these tools. IIRC some of them let you choose a size on export too
That's pretty much exactly what I was looking for.
I was thinking there would be a sticky or something somewhere on Polycount with information like that, I didn't know about the wiki.
I'll be giving that a try for sure.