Hi guys,
I am hoping someone will be able to help me as I've tried multiple ways to get my high poly bake into my low poly without skewing or distortion...
I've looked at my vertex and face normals, softened the angles, added more geometry, redone the UV's multiple ways but nothing seems to work...
So last try is to see if someone has an idea on here! The annoying thing is I've done it before and it worked perfectly but that was a test so i deleted the files.
The main problems is fairly obvious, it is the bolts that are stretched and the tire tred is jagged/not straight?
Any help would be life saving!
If your tire treads aren't aligned, I assume either your UV's aren't 100% straight/aligned, or your low poly isn't overlapping your high poly properly.
Also, check to see how your projection cage looks. Maybe tweak those individual vertices. You want your cage to be very close to the mesh but not too much that the rays can't shoot properly.
thanks for getting back so fast, I may have to look at the cage like you suggested as the UV couldn't be much straighter for the tred.
I've also added what the Geometry looks like. I've added edge loops into the sides to see if that would make a difference but it didn't... as previously the wheel had less edges.
Are the bolts on the HP normal 5 sided nuts? need pix of the HP, and the low poly with the Normal applied.