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polycounter lvl 9
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Khronos polycounter lvl 9


  • 3dcwcurto
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    3dcwcurto polycounter lvl 10
    found your post through google. I thought it was pro tutorial from the thumbnail. Must be frustrating to not get any critique. Anyway I would say you nailed it.
    To nit pick
    -I would say the biceps might point inward more with how much the hand is rotated inward.
    -The matcap is too shiny to tell what is going on in certain spots don't use that one for renders.
    -The rear shoulder looks flat and so does the tricep from the back view.
    -Where the teres major meets the lat looks kinda weird. Like you used the standard brush to dig in and just left it.
    -elbow looks weird in the middle picture. Could just be the shininess.

    -looks like you spent a lot of time on the head. Should have done a zoomed in picture
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Nice work!
    At the moment the legs look too short to me and there is some voodoo going on around the wrist/ forearm whiuch I find to be one of the most difficult areas.

    Keep em comin.
  • Khronos
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    Khronos polycounter lvl 9
  • Khronos
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    Khronos polycounter lvl 9
  • Chantel-sky
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    Chantel-sky polycounter lvl 3
    Nice work, Khronos!

    I do agree with 3dcwcurto.
    I also think the knee could use a bit more work, same for the back of the leg where the calf muscle starts. I may be nitpicking here but his nipples look slightly odd.

    Grassettis tutorial is the best, I always go back to it if i'm unsure on anything.
    Keep it up though :)!
  • Khronos
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    Khronos polycounter lvl 9
  • Chantel-sky
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    Chantel-sky polycounter lvl 3
    Yeah it's been awhile haha, After giving up on the LoL comp (stylized just isn't for me) I did some of Scott Eaton's digital sculpture course.. his anatomy lectures are good, but watching him sculpt was hard considering how advanced his knowledge is. I actually got a book that he recommended on his site "Anatomy for the artist" by Stephen Peck.. it's a great book!

    I saw your full body male piece on artstation that is done in Scott Eaton's course, turned out nice!

    If you haven't looked at Ysalex nipple alpha, you should haha.
  • Khronos
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    Khronos polycounter lvl 9
  • CafeNight
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    CafeNight polycounter lvl 5
    legs to short, they must be loenger than body
  • Khronos
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    Khronos polycounter lvl 9
  • skodone
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    skodone polycounter lvl 2
    nice good you take all that critics :)

    --> abs are not symmetrical to add one more step to perfection :)
  • Khronos
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    Khronos polycounter lvl 9
  • 3dcwcurto
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    3dcwcurto polycounter lvl 10
    Looking very good. The mat cap makes things easier to read

    So assuming you would like some more critique...
    I think the back of the neck looks weird.Nipples are indented?The diamond under the pecks looks weird
    I think the lip area could use some tweaking. I ended up not following the tutorial for that part. The way he does lips is weird. Anyway I think the upperlip dips down too far compared to how thick it is. The philtrum area might be to long. Bottom lip doesn't look like its seated into anything. People have vasty different looking lips in real life so I guess its good as is. The closed eyes looks fine to me btw.

    Your post is making me notice things messed up with mine or what needs more work.
    Your artstation stuff is impressive. Out of curiosity how many mostly finished anatomy sculpts have you done?
  • Biomag
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    Biomag sublime tool
    Take my feedback with a grain of salt and especially look up references from photos - use the ecorche to better understand the muscle structure beneth the skin, but focus on the pictures from real persons.

    Anyhow here some quick suggestions. Even if I marked some points, this doesn't mean its a bad sculpt, just some points that look odd to me and I agree, your nipples are a little weird IMHO. Keep in mind I am going through the same growing pains as you, so that doesn't make my opinion more true, just a different/fresher perspective for a solid piece that you did :)
  • Khronos
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    Khronos polycounter lvl 9
  • Khronos
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    Khronos polycounter lvl 9
  • Croftyness
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    Croftyness polycounter lvl 11
    How are you finding the tutorial? I'm always looking to improve and the tuts look quite attractive. Good progress by the way : )
  • Khronos
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    Khronos polycounter lvl 9
  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    These tutorials are great I'm glad other people are looking at them too! So My comments would be that right now his lower body is really small compared to his upper body, giving him that prison body look ("who needs leg days when you can do more chest, am I right?!). I would say right now that judging by his upperbody he has a size 26 waist right now which is tiny. Also his hands are and forearms are quite large giving him a very stylized look. I guess looking at it all again it may just be that his arms/shoulders are very large/long compared to the rest of him making it seem like he has gorilla arms. Normally when your arms come down they meet at your crotch and right now it looks as though his wrist would meet there instead. And I also agree with all of the comments already said about anatomy. Just some quick thoughts but either way it's pretty good at the moment and my comments are pretty minimal. Great job so far!
  • Khronos
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    Khronos polycounter lvl 9
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