Im not sure why this never showed up in a google search but It keeps happening to me.
Basically I have a character model that needs unwrapping but already has subdivisions and polypaint information. No problem I create a copy and start working on that before realising that zbrush is never going to give me the unwrapping results I need (seams going through the face and in random places all over). Control painting had little to no effect either.
So I do an unwrap in max instead and export the low poly over as an obj to the same tool as my working copy in zbrush.
When I copy paste the UV's from my max model to my working copy the UV's do this:
UV I want from max export (not entirely completed yet but not the problem)
Pasted UV onto working copy
Would this have something to do with having different UV islands? The two models are exactly identical except in that aspect.
Also While I'm here. There is a problem with my polypaint having artifacts the higher resolution I go like little squares and rectangles in certain parts. kind of frustrating trying to sculpt with a bright mosaic pattern in the way without turning off colorize.
Two notes which may or may not be of importance:
I should probably also try out goz but never really gotten around to it.
Next time I'll just try the polygroups for seams. Seams a lot more reliable and less time consuming.
Thanks for your help.