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Mathew Ho - Portfolio feedback

polycounter lvl 9
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mhofever polycounter lvl 9
I'm currently job-hunting for 3d environment art opportunities and I'd like to get feedback from the community on my website portfolio as I've hit a rut in my hunt lately.


Much obliged!


  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    Your work is pretty nice, but your site is a mess. There's too many options and no clear "go here to see all my work" and it kind of stresses me out. The offset icons on the landing page do not help this feeling.

    For the amount of decent quality work you have, I can't help but think something like a grid layout might work better. Try to narrow down the categories as well, to like... Environment work, Props, and 2D or something. Change the front page to just a clean layout of your best/most relevant work, or simple icons for each category or something.

    I'd get rid of the female head sculpt, keep the focus on your environments.

    I'm going to stress this again actually because it's still bugging me; this page makes me feel anxious. I do not feel like I could comfortably look at your work.
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