Hello Friends ,
I created a ward for dota 2 but when i imported it in workshop i faced several problems ,as i am new to this so i am having a hard time while figuring out whats wrong with my geometry
1)the geometry tongue is a too much distorted
2)the eyeball is too much displaced from original position.
3)the geometry is sunk in pedestal too much.
the 3 images uploaded are original geometry,geometry without pedestal ,and geometry with pedestal respectively.
Please Help me regarding these issues
2:most likely you need to reset transforms on the model before rigging. (ie: scale and rotation) and center the pivot.
"the eye which is attached to eyebone is only translating half distance but rotations are alright i checked this issue and found this issue was also present in my previous animations"
it is an issue with exporting. can any one help plz. thanks