Continued from
Feb character challenge, thought I would take a break from baking maps to make one them progress thread thingys!
Pushing to finish this guy, hopefully will use him as a UE4 refresher as well, will have to see how I feel once I'm finished

Using this guy as a way to learn Substance Painter, so far its worked out pretty well I think, once I got decent curvature maps and got my head around some layer and mask workflow I had quite a fun time messing around with the hammer and shield.
Image dump time!
Concept by Marko Djurdjevic
High Poly

All low poly stuff rendererrerererered in Toolbag
Low poly finished

Low poly with first pass skin, single colour map so far, nothing else.

Hammer and shield round 2 with Painter, rendered in toolbag:

H&S Wires
Looking forward to putting Painter to work again for the clothing textures, and also as a way of putting off figuring out how I'm going to do the beard, hair and certainly the fur

also poly count is about 55k or so but Im not too concerned with that for this guy.
All the crits and comments are most welcome

Besides that, looks like it's baked pretty well! Still feels sharp and clean on the low poly.
As i can be a portfolio piece, i really encourage you to retopo the lower area.
I know how boring this can sound, especially when you finish the retopo in your workflow.
Even if you do zremesher everywhere, it can be worthy to think about it.
Sorry I know that you might get tired of hearing this but I agree with them that you should consider make a retopo for the clothes.... Your character is getting awesome and this will help a lot to improve your job. But dont give up! You made a nice job so far... I cant wait to see all textured.
Still working out some Painter to Toolbag settings but happy with how its going. Will throw the maps into PS in the next few days once I'm done with Painter to balance the colours and make some adjustments/tweaks. Thanks to Kay's Slate Tiles III, I threw in a quick base to round out the scene. The fur will need a separate go in PS, not really getting anything usable in Painter but I half expected that anyway, and not to mention the hair and beard! *shrug*
@jhoythottle: You are right! the current emblem was a 2 min PS paint to see how masks work and I will go back and make a better one to match the concept
I am a little annoyed at myself for getting too caught up in getting something done and bypassing the retop which everyone was mentioning BUT I did have a rethink about some quicker ways of doing it and using some workflow experiments from the previous messy retop, was able to retop the legs and fur rather quickly
Thanks to everyone for going on about the Topo and your comments, I don't know why I glossed over that, will work better in UE4 with what ever I end up doing with him.
You did some amazing work!:thumbup:
More pics here
Next time I think I will make something with shorter hair or just bald women, realtime hair is a pain!