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[Sale -40%] The Inventory System - uGUI - Best performance - Most features!

Last update - What's new in V2.1.1?
PlayMaker support
UFPS Support
Easy save support
Full first person support
40+ pages of documentation
Clean up + bug fixes

List of all features:
The InventorySystem contains the following features:
- Full mobile support
- PlayMaker support
- Easy save 2 support
- UFPS support
- 40+ pages of documentation
- Extending with bags
- Context menu (Right click item menu)
- Cleanup inventory (restack & format)
- Design - Complete RPG UI design
- Unique item properties
- Looting
- Crafting (2 styles)
- Vendors + buy back
- Using / equipping items
- Skillbar with references
- Bank storing
- Stacking items
- Item categories with category cooldown
- Unstacking items
- Drop dialog
- Unstack dialog
- Item tooltips
- Editors - Item, crafting, equipment editors
- Code - Event driven design
- Code - Extremely extensible
- Code - Well documented
- Code - Great performance and low GC allocation
- Code - uGUI (Unity GUI)
- Design - Complete RPG UI design

In development:
Dialogue system

In consideration:
Behavior designer(integration)
Worldspace support
Double tooltips (before -> after)

Build a game using The InventorySystem? Let me know and I'll post it right here (and on the Unity forums)!

Want to request a feature or report a bug? Please go to https://bitbucket.org/jjahuijbregts/inventorysystemv2/issues

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