Anyone watching this? I`m on the forth episode so far, and holy hell, I`m enjoying every minute of it. The fighting is insanely good, and the camera cuts are actually really good. They zoom out so you can see the action, rather than a whole lot of quick cuts, like you see in most movies.
So far, so good. Exactly what I was hoping for with this show. Exactly.
Great characters. Great action. Great overall art direction.
HIGHLY recommending this if you are the least bit interested. Easily the best comic show so far.
Also, the fight between Matt and the gangsters in the hallway was one of the best fight scenes I've watched in a very long time. Very impressed.
He's fighting for his dream man. And people trying to stop him, or don't understand.
On a side note, I appreciate that they have the Daredevil actually heave on the floor after each skirmish, especially in a larger fight. I think not only was it a really good beat of rest for viewers, but it just made the fights that much more "real" to me. Mind you, I don't know if people actually do that in a real martial arts fight, but it seemed reasonable that, hey, after 30 seconds of swinging and kicking you'd take the opportunity to breathe with your back on the floor. And then adrenaline kicks right back in as a couple more people come.
Absolutely!!! That was such a great sequence. I especially liked how it was pretty much 1 long camera shot, and you could actually SEE the action going on. not just a bunch of close up, fast cuts. But that long cut was just perfection.
I love the small nods to the larger MCU.
I stayed up nearly all night, couldn't stop watching.. that is until I fell asleep after episode 3 ended lol
Love how brutal the fight scenes are. Especially since I am so sick of the ballerina choreographed fights you see in everything these days. I also love the heavy noir elements and the fact that almost everything seems to backfire on Matt Murdock. I really hope all the defenders series will be this good.
really glad I did. I never cared about daredevil in the slightest but man this show is really interesting and well done. On ep 4 now and loving it!
They don't need to go for Agents of Shield's Buffy fluffiness by any stretch, but I'm inclined to think the show would work a whole lot better if it had a little bit of fun with the scenario and left the morose stuff to DC.
That said, I've only watched a single episode. Maybe once things kick off a bit, the problems will fade into the background. It's not bad by any stretch, but I could take or leave it at this point. Will give it a couple more episodes.
Usually I don't watch superhero movies/shows much. I watch 2 spidermans, 2 ironmans, 2 darkknights, didn't watch avengers or cap merica 2, or man of steel. I watch 2ep of Agent Carter, 3 eps of Flash, and maybe 4-5 eps of Agents of Shield. That's it. I think.
Matt in the Hallway to rescue the kid was an amazing scene. I rewatched a couple times right away because the camera-work was awesome and fight choreography was good.
I'm having trouble remembering faces and names, though
The tone is brutally different though, it's hard to believe this exists in the same universe as a show like "Agents of SHIELD". For some reason I specifically recall reading a story arc during the Bendis/Maleev run on Daredevil(highly recommended) that features a character named 'Madam Masque' who is currently in the Agents of SHIELD show, and then I thought of how it would look dropping that version into this show... it just wouldn't work at all. I'm not complaining, I like both shows and I'm glad they tackled Daredevil this way, but it just surprised me how dark and sometimes disturbing it is given the tone Marvel has created thus far.
I like that it's subtle in it's references to the rest of the MCU. I'm getting so tired of the goofy Agents of Shield stuff.
@Jackablade this is kind of like Daredevil year one..he's finding his place...if it keeps taking nods from the Frank Miller DD run we're bound to see a better class of villians...although by opting out early you are missing some great's not everyone's cup of tea will probably get a bit more out there with the Defenders..Iron Fist has a bunch of Mystical elements.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would get a 13 hour Daredevil Movie!
That fight in the towards the end of that episode was a pretty impressive piece of footage though. Seems like the fight choreographer might be a fan of the original Oldboy movie.
I would recommend it!
1. it's a bit too grimdark to fit in with the rest of the current marvel cinematic universe... particularly
2. The overall production values seem to be way better than Agents of SHIELD. Which is pretty cool, but now i just want AoS to be better lol.
Way better than what Flash had to offer though.
Are their bad moments? Sure, but I don't expect perfection. Every series has a few off episodes. I find it way better than Agents of Shield, and it even managed to get my wife hooked in, and she's usually really critical about comic book heroes that she's not familiar with.
I really would like to see him carry over to do a cameo in the some of the Marvel movies.
He is a little mean though.
Also, I'd like some more clever legal drama intermixed with his crime fighting. I'm sure we'll get some later, but I always liked that part of Daredevil. He's like Matlock, except with more punching.
I would disagree. In the comics the 616 universe has been shared for decades, and they've had plenty of stuff more grim than that car scene while still having books and characters like Squirrel Girl. It's not uncommon for one title to carry a different tone than another, especially when one deals with cosmic-level threats and super powers while another is very street-level. MCU Thor might be busy punching frost giants, but its not like the rest of the MCU world is free from everyday brutality. That's why characters like Daredevil and the Punisher exist in the first place.
also I love how apparently everyone is amazing at martial arts. The fights are fun to watch, they feel fresh after how hollywood has treated fight scenes for the past while
it does seem to take itself too damn seriously, which leads to some unintentional comedy.
for example i'm not sure what the whole deal with the translators and speaking different languages,
and then suddenly we speak english thing was all about. seemed forced and silly.
"i speak chinese, and you didn't know!" "yeah well, i speak english, and you didn't know!"
not to mention fish' chinese and japanese are both cringeworthily badly pronounced.
japanese guy character seems very forced. one-dimensional very serious very bad guy.
Breaking bad, while dark, had some great bizarre pitch black humor. one particular scene with a bath tub comes to mind. this one.. nothing. well i guess that one scene with the russian.
as for the fights, not the greatest i've seen. most of them are very dark, so what you see are some flying kicks, and then hear a lot of punching noises.
a good fight would be oberyn vs the mountain in GoT. or anything bruce lee. or Ong bak.
guess i'm jaded.
With Daredevil, it takes time to take someone down. And if I had any complaint, it would be sometimes it takes too long. These should be veteran criminals, who know how to fight, so I like that they fight back, and you can tell the affect it has on Daredevil. He gets winded... he bleeds... he adapts.
I will say, the punching sound does stand out a little too much. I think they were trying to create a more 'punishing' feel, by ramping up the impact sound, but when it's obvious enough, to break me out of the scene, then maybe you've ramped it up too much.
But I don't mean to belittle the scene in any way, it's absolutely amazing and very well executed. And most big movies with such long takes have also used plenty of VFX cheats to mix together different takes - as long as it works, who cares?
I kind of feel like Marvel has to separate DD (and other similar heroes like Punisher, Moon Knight, Ghost Rider, Blaze) from the other, more mainstream, Marvel properties. Marvel Knights characters are quite dark and brutal in tone, and I don't want it softened up. It would feel wrong to me if it was.
The thing about DD is the he kinda gets his ass kicked all the time. He can't really hope to hold his own against any real super villain. His life pretty much always constantly sucks. Any joy he ever has in his life is pretty much just the calm before the storm.
Having only gotten through two episodes thus far, I am interested in how they handle the mystical stuff (Stick, The Hand, Chaste, Mephisto).
Obviously, just my opinion.
So I can see Marvel following very different directions in the future in the various titles, and so there'd be a place for the Daredevil character in those movies. Definitely not in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 though
Folks at work love it as well.
I read this article:
And still, when I ear Daredevil I can only think of Ben Affleck and Evanescence and it make me want to barf.... I can't believe he will be doing the next batman's
Last episode was the weakest. Still a great series though.
Also Karen sucks.
I have tried to block that out as much as possible and had nearly forgotten about it, so thanks for reminding me lol
Also does anyone else think Debra Ann Woll (Karen) seem out of place in the show?
Overall the show was nice, it had (seemingly) high production values and overall better storytelling than Agents of Shield, which kinda sucks because Agents of Shield is the "flagship" show.
Daredevil (in my opinion) will be a good challenger for Arrow when it comes to tv based comic book shows. The only problem is limiting it to Netflix, at least in the UK where Netflix sucks a fat one.
I couldn't agree more with you! I didn't find her acting that great either, that probably has something to do with the "living plot device".
I couldn't get into Arrow, I tried to but I'd end up falling asleep. Netflix hasn't been in Australia for very long.. not a lot of content, good content anyways lol.
(the lock was placed higher up on the door, not the usual spot and there are a few examples of this - I know it sounds like im nit-picking but come on, is he blind or not? lol )
It's already explained that he can "see" through his other senses. He would be able to "see" where the lock is due to the changes in airflow/pressure around the lock, for example.
like echolocation. Sadly Ben Underwood has died. Knowing that someone like Ben existed just made the human race seem more awesome.
I personally don't mind the grimdark and think there's room for it in the MCU. Not everything has to be a colorful super powered circus to fit in that world. I could see Daredevil fitting into a MCU film, but more as a detective rather than someone that's going to be fighting aliens or whatever.
I'm not very familiar with the comic version of Daredevil, but I'm excited to see where the series goes as they introduce more of his rogues gallery.
As an aside, my only problem with the Netflix series' is I have to wait until I finish a series to check out threads like this to avoid spoilers!