Hello wonderful people!
I am sorry if I may have posted this in the wrong section of the forum. This is the only place that I could find, fitting the subject that I am about to ask.
I've been working as a 3D artist for quite some time now, and today I got really confused, what is a texture really? How do I use the word correctly?
For me, a texture is the complete "Material of texture-maps combined" Am I incorrect here or am I on the right track?
For example, having, a diffuse map, normal map, and specular map combined, is a texture for me.
A normal map for me is just called a map? But can I call that a texture as well?
I am getting crazy over here! I'd appreciate any answer! Thanks!
A material is texturing plus surfacing. Though surfacing is kind of a film CG term, not used much in games. Maybe that'll change.
A Shader is the framework for a Material, so this can be created either in code or in a node based editor. The shader defines the properties of a material.
A Material is the compiled textures(Diffuse, Spec, Normal, etc.)