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[Unpaid] Looking for 2D PixelArt Collab


My name is John, and I am currently developing a simplistic single player 2D Platformer with a vast world/universe.

What I am looking for is:
- Someone to discuss the project with, bounce ideas. Feedback, essentially.
- Someone that can draw 2D PixelArt. No pressure, because it is a really simple and I am only using very few colors for this project (I am an amateur myself, and want to develop my own skill too). Whilst the art-style is simple, there are quite a lot of assets to be made.

Having someone to discuss ideas with, review art with, will greatly aid the project itself. It puts me in "Let's do this!"-mode. Positive pressure, and more meaningful responsibilities. Having someone to draw with, to polish as well as review others work, will develop my skill, and probably yours as well at the same time. Learn from each other ;)

I am working in Construct 2 and with PyxelEdit, I have a license for PyxelEdit (and will eventually get a license for Construct 2 as well). For starters it is a hobbyist project, and I am hoping and working towards making it a business or into a portfolio.

Construct 2 is, to me, a beginners tool merely to get started, but am willing to change engine or tool if you are comfortable with anything else (Construct 2 is convenient as it can port to all platforms, Android, iOS, PC, Mac, Linux, and no coding is required).

Send me a PM (on here, Polycount) if you are interested and I will send you more information about the game.

Best Regards,
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