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polycounter lvl 2
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patrickvdk polycounter lvl 2
Azrael is a project I worked on for the past week and a half.
He is often identified with the Archangel of Death in Hebrew, Sikhism lore, as well as Islam.I found this concept art online and have kept it in my library for awhile. Unfortunately I can't credit the artist, and reverse google image search isn't helping at all.
I really want to make a Diablo-esque badass character, so I decided to take this 2D concept and make it into a 3D character.
I broke the character down to a bunch of pieces so it was easier to focus on individual parts.
The character is basically consisted of the underlying head, arms and legs. Since the body can't be seen what so ever, it was deleted after the breast plate was modeled.
There are 2 pieces for the pauldron, one arm band and 4 individual pieces to make up the gaunlet. The glove was separated also.
After detailing in zbrush, every piece was decimated and exported. Almost all except the breastplate, armband and the decoration along the belt were the uv-ed decimated mesh from Zbrush.
I took them into DDO and made some scratched metal material base for painting in Substance Painter.
Jump to my website or my blog to see more of my stuff :D


  • ClusterOne
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    ClusterOne polycounter lvl 4
    Love the presentation; its breathtaking. With all the smoke and glow in the presentation I kind of expected you had modeled something similar, even if it was just a bunch of alpha planes with a diffuse and emissive map. I guess it works either way though.

    Stylistically he looks rather benign for an angel of death--but hey; who says an angel of death has to wear all back and collect human skulls.

    Nice work!
  • patrickvdk
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    patrickvdk polycounter lvl 2
    Thank you! Haha No way! If I modeled the smoke it would of taken me ages. I just cheated and added in the effects in post production, since all I wanted out of this model are a couple cool images. If I wanted it in game I'd probably just add in emitters with sprites.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Did you do all the gilding in normal painting or straight up scuplpting?

    This looks beautiful :)
  • patrickvdk
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    patrickvdk polycounter lvl 2
    @Brian "Panda" Choi
    Thanks man. The gilding was first sculpted in Zbrush using the masked edgeloop technique, just so I get to have the decor in a clean polygroup. Later I get the polypaint from polygroup to use as an ID map for texturing in DDO and Substance Painter.
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