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In-progress: DDO Stretches my non-square maps

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Optagon null
I've been trying DDO for a while and so far it works pretty well. But now I created a project using 512x1024 maps and it stretched everything out to square 1024x1024 in the project.


  • Eric Ramberg
    Hi Optagon!

    Would you mind posting some images of this issue? maybe posting the project files so I can have a look?
  • Avis Para.doc's
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    Avis Para.doc's polycounter lvl 9
    In that kind of situation I usually create a square texture to avoid some troubles in future. In recent project a have rectangular texture 4096x2048. So i just created a 4k texture to work with and just splited it in half to know my work area. When it will be exported in engine I'll just cut it to 4k x 2k with canvas size in photoshop. I dont noticed any performance problems compared with rectangle texture.

    Some engines do not support rectangle textures because of default tile feature. So rectangle UV need to be scaled to one square. You can imagine what the hell is to edit that UV with scale 1.0 x 0.5, it's basically impossible to relax some UV vertices separately. So you can pack them in the way I suggested, then just scale them.
  • Eric Ramberg
    I talked to Teddy, and while The Suite fully supports non-square textures, there seems to be a bug regarding this. Maybe that is what is causing you this problem. Would be great to get a look at the source files for your project if possible!
  • Lead
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    Lead polycounter lvl 18

    I experienced this issue as well and eventually got past it.

    In my case a preset was highlighted in DDO during project creation that was saved from a project with a square texture. The next time I tried I set it to a blank\default preset and my non-square project worked fine.
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