what are you using for saving textures uncompressed before moving to dds or any custom format? What is the best in comparison to file size, features and standardisation
other (100% jpg...)
all time favorite is tga, with 16 bit you are forced to use tif (or a similar file format) and unity "promotes" png which has a really small file size compared to the others
TIF isn't all that compatible in my experience and saving with compression takes quite a while with larger textures. PSD grows large very quickly and has compatibility issues as well.
PNG is just an export format in my world. too cumbersome to work with alpha channels in PS.
PNG seems like a good solution overall but I don't think it handles mipmaps? (Useful sometimes when you want to edit them for whatever reason.) OpenEXR does it all I think, but yeah it's pretty annoying for compatibility.
We still use uncompressed or + DDS, which the engine re-compresses afterwards, but since there's no more support for the Nvidia DDS plugin for Photoshop, it doesn't seem wise to continue using DDS as an intermediate format.
supposedly i am working on current gen stuff
EXR sounds like an enviable solution - for your own inhouse tech.
Farfarer: thx for the SuperPNG hint!! really cool
definitely worth to post the link http://www.fnordware.com/superpng/
Check out Earthquake's excellent thread Of Bit Depths, Banding and Normal Maps.