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TAROTA - Dota Tarot Card Deck Collaboration

polycounter lvl 13
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Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
Hex and I are running a collab right now that we’re calling TAROTA. we’re trying to complete a whole set of tarot cards that are dota themed. We’ve heard from good sources that WLF would probably be really interested in it, and we’d like to get it done before TI.

We’ve got about 25 artists on it now, but progress is stalled and we really need more artists who can commit to drawing at least one card. We’ve got a google doc laid out with all the card combinations set up already and a few of them are done.

Here are some completed examples.



If you’re interested please please send a skype contact request to me(hawtkoffee) or hex (applied-pants)

TAROTA Google Doc - http://goo.gl/nOO7V8


  • Prophet9
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    Prophet9 polycounter lvl 9
    Come on people! We need some more 2D talent in there! We can do this. :)
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Sounds pretty cool. I'd like to attempt an Undying. I don't skype :D

    A cool border would really tie them together. Possibly with a spot top/and or bottom (maybe 2 versions) that had a space for a number so that would be consistant.

    But I gotta wrap up my community set first before I can fully commit. I'm also not great at 2d but I think posing the hero and using screenshots for a base I could do one pretty well. Or gotta break out pen/paper and scan...
  • Vovosunt
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    Vovosunt polycounter lvl 4
    Well you've got a grand project ahead.
    Good luck! :D

    P.S.: Why tarot cards thought? I've seen them irl like only once in my entire life
    P.S.S: I ran down the artist links and was faced with several questionable fan-fics. Can't unsee those, unfortunately. BE WARNED.
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