Im playing with scan objects in zbrush. My current workflow consist of:
1) Bringing the original hi poly scan of an object (lets say of around 2-10 milion polys) to zbrush via obj,
2) then apply Zremesh with the goal of getting something below or at worst around 10 000 polys. (i need the base subdivide level to be low poly)
3) With this new low poly mesh i create UVWs, then subdivide it to reach aproximattely the poly count of the original mesh
4) Then i use "project" feature in zbrushes "subtool" pallete to project the original mesh detail to the new subdivided mesh.
Up until now everyting looks ok, but the problem is that i get often strange "spikes" on different parts of the mesh (see pictures). Yes of course, i can cut these or smooth etc. but that takes a lot oftime which i do not have nor want to invest.
Where am i doign something wrong? How to get "clean" (without the spikes) low poly quad mesh? (viz zremesher?).
Also, don't subdivide your mesh all the way up before projecting for the first time. Project for each subdivision successively starting from the lowest one. That way the shape change isn't as drastic and, hence, the algorithm is more likely to perform as expected.
Especially i was nto aware that i can project each subdivision level separatelly and the result will look the same or even better, thanks for tips.
If anyone else has a tip, please feel free to share it
So any other suggestions how to get rid of it completelÿ?