Here's a digital painting that I just started and would like to get some critiques on it. I definitely want to work on the zombie some more (work on the skull, the positioning of the right arm, and add more decay and disgust into him) and I feel that the composition could use some work.

Here,I've made a fast op for you.
You should consider the stream of the water and the water circles the zombie should be making, strong back-light, point of interest,maybe adding some mist,eye glow
I went ahead and made the zombie a bit darker and defined him a bit more. Still need to add proper shading and lighting to his tattered shirt. The background is becoming a bit of a mess. So here is what I got so far.
I feel like with the green/yellow you already got going, you could really push the colors you normally see in a bruise through out this character. Just some thoughts! Really love this piece so far!
Thanks for the advice. Yeah I'll definitely push the colors on the zombie more. I did start to use purple for the shading but started dialing it back. I'll add it in again to make it pop as well as some more yellows.
And the vines and such will come back for sure.
I changed the background a bit, made the trees more twisted. Added some damage to the zombie, which I think will be a good idea to add some more.