Hello guys. I started to learn Zbrush and my first problem was wth the "move brush". It moves tapology accordingly ro the canvas not the object. How can i change that? Google search didnt helped me at all Thanks in advance
MasterBeard, are you referring to sliding vertices along the mesh itself? If so, the Nudge brush might be of some use here. If you really want to try and preserve the silhouette you could duplicate the original subtool, move things, then hit "ProjectAll" to project the topology back onto its original shape.
In 4R7 you can also slide individual parts but I suppose that's not what you're looking after.
WTF!? no it wont, it will just move it back (inverse) (inside the object)
...move the mouse in the opposite direction :P
In 4R7 you can also slide individual parts but I suppose that's not what you're looking after.