I've been working on a Tudor street scene.
I was going for a Fable feel and am focusing on trying to get the lightmaps and lighting right.
The textures are in very early stages at the moment but I'll be focusing on them after I get the lighting sorted.
Any critiques are very welcome.

Looking forward to seeing it finished.
I've looked at the scene as a whole and decided that I much pre-fair the camera position in the top screenshot, Because of this I've changed round the scene a little bit.
I have also completely changed the colour of the house so that the colours don't blend in to each other too much.
no I'm not making a horror game as cool as that would be
I've been playing with the lighting as well as adding a few things here and there to the little covered area on the far right.
I'm also experimenting with the a fog volume.
I've looked around a little bit for some help on making colour changing point lights in Unreal Engine 4, if anyone could help me out that would be awesome.