I have been using and learning MAYA full version (student) from last 6-7 months. Now I'm thinking about doing some commercial work so, i am thinking about buying MAYA LT. I usually use MAYA for hard surface modeling specially for modeling weapons, cars and level designing. Is MAYA LT is enough for modeling all that things?
Can I model something like this in MAYA LT?
Also, i heard that MAYA LT doesn't support transfer maps. So how can bake maps then?
So , should i buy MAYA LT or not?
Maya LT lets you bake with Turtle rather than Transfer Maps. I haven't done extensive tests with Turtle myself but it can at least bake 16-bit normal maps with a cage, and ambient occlusion. You can also get a material ID map out of it by assigning vertex colors to your mesh parts (Color->Apply Color) which can be useful for quicker selections in Photoshop with the magic wand tool, or as an input for Quixel Suite. Since Mental Ray and Transfer Maps aren't included, though, you won't be able to use any sort of fancy Mental Ray baking techniques like rounded corners.
I'll buy MAYA LT.
You could also look into buying other programs too, both Zbrush and Modo are fantastic other options. Zbrush is definitely the most bang for your buck.
Turtle works fine for baking, you can also use xNormal which is free and widely used. Substance Designer also has a good baker if you're using that.