I seem to be getting these dirty artifacts on my higher subdiv levels whenever I split or delete part of my subtool. I never encountered this in R6. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I have similar issues, it's gotten worse recently.
What I would do is duplicate the subtool, drop to the lowest sub div, delete higher, and delete hidden. Then with the old one at the highest sub div (I think partially hidden is okay), select the new level 0 and do a project all. Then sub divide and project all again. Do this until you're back at the sub div level you want. You'll have a clean mesh with the same sculpted information and no artifacts, and you wont have to go in and manually clean anything.
I ended up going with jfitch's method because I didn't want to have to redo the polygroups for my mesh. I can confirm that armians' method works perfectly though. Thanks a ton for the help guys!
What I would do is duplicate the subtool, drop to the lowest sub div, delete higher, and delete hidden. Then with the old one at the highest sub div (I think partially hidden is okay), select the new level 0 and do a project all. Then sub divide and project all again. Do this until you're back at the sub div level you want. You'll have a clean mesh with the same sculpted information and no artifacts, and you wont have to go in and manually clean anything.
The good thing is - Group Split works just fine, so I use this instead of Delete or Split Hidden x]