So I'm working on a project at the moment which involves multiple files, generally groups of say 6 of each PBR textures. So 6 G/S/N/AO maps a piece. Now it just occurred to me and I'm not sure whether it's possible but I'll be damned if someone doesn't pick up on this.
So we all know you can have a .mtl file with different groups based on material IDs, so why not have an image file that can have different channels or layers named the same as their corresponding material IDs so that when applied you simply need to input a single file for multiple objects? You might be thinking usability is a problem, however in any case you'd open the image, swap out the material/texture and re-save. Voila, no mess.
Not sure if someone has thought of this, I'd imagine so, but hell I'd love something like that right now!
In dDo specifically, ween you mask off your texture to match a predefined color, it'll use that as a base for its generator, so like FF0000 is interpreted as 24k Gold for example.
I've even made simple shader in UE4 that uses the RGBA channels as masks for 4-channel Diff/M/R slider based solution. In theory, I'd be able to just swap out the masks and bitmaps and get the exact same values on different textures, but SD is a way more elegant solution then what I wrote up.
Like packing multiple images into a single file.
But you can technically store 4 gloss maps in one image, Just filling the corresponding channel RGBA with each map you want.
But that changes when you use Normal maps or any other maps that require more than one channel per texture, as for auto applying to a model that would all be engine side, not really having anything to do with the file itself.