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Where to start working as freelancer?

polycounter lvl 2
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kunalht polycounter lvl 2
I'm currently in college (computer science 2nd year). I am learning 3D modeling in MAYA , texturing and little bit of composition from last 1 year. So , at the time i'm in college (for next 2 years) i want to start working as freelancer and do some small work. Where should I start searching for works?
I can do hard surface modeling like vehicle , weapon ,environment modeling , level designing in MAYA and Unreal engine 4 and composition in After effects. Also I'm still learning from digital tutors's some advance courses.
So where should I start searching for work? Where can I get some small work?
Also, for now, I am using MAYA's student version. but for commercial use i have to buy it which i cant afford. So how is MAYA LT( 30$/mo) . Is it enough for modeling weapons and vehicles?
Thank you...


  • kunalht
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    kunalht polycounter lvl 2
    Okay thanks!
    And what about turbosquid ?
    Should I start modeling weapon and cars and sell it to turbosquid?
  • dzibarik
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    dzibarik polycounter lvl 10
    you can do it, just don't expect to survive on that until you have like 30 car models on like 10 different sites than you probably get like 1000 bucks per month or so (actual numbers I've heard). You can put some nice assets (preferably a modular environment) and hit a good niche on Unity asset store and get the same ammount of money but if you're situated in US I doubt you'll survive on that. If you're US-UK-EU based it's probably better to find a job at some studio, gain some experience and portfolio + connections and AFTER THAT you freelance.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    fresh out of college, you should not freelance yet. try to get some studio experience, try to get some contacts.

    turbosquid, or unity assetstore i'd rather see as something to do on the side, not fulltime and especially not as a starter.
  • iadagraca
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    iadagraca polycounter lvl 5
    Option 2) Recommended. Work on personal art projects that specifically represent the sort of work you want to eventually get paid to do, and put that work online where people will see it (Polycount, DeviantArt, ArtStation, etc). If your work stands out, clients will then contact YOU. Some of them will be repeat clients. Some of those will be clients you end up working with perhaps for years.

    This is my experience so far, didn't really take off until i went to the global game jam though :P

    I hope things stay this way, maybe i'll pick up enough to where i don't need part time work <3

    I do still intend to get a studio job once i get a decent portfolio, but the commissions are good for now.
  • pangaea
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    pangaea polycounter lvl 5
    If you are a comp sci student you could probably get a lot more money from doing programming as a free lancer.
  • kunalht
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    kunalht polycounter lvl 2
    Thank you for your replies...
    I can't work in any studio now as i have to go to college (computer science). So side work or freelancer is the only option i have for next 2 years. Also I'm from India, so there aren't many studios here. After finishing my degree course i'll find full-time job in another country.
    Also what about MAYA LT? Is it enough for modeling cars,weapons and level designing ? Does it has all the features for that things like MAYA?
  • pangaea
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    pangaea polycounter lvl 5
    kunalht wrote: »
    Thank you for your replies...
    I can't work in any studio now as i have to go to college (computer science). So side work or freelancer is the only option i have for next 2 years. Also I'm from India, so there aren't many studios here. After finishing my degree course i'll find full-time job in another country.
    Also what about MAYA LT? Is it enough for modeling cars,weapons and level designing ? Does it has all the features for that things like MAYA?

    You planning to get a full time job in what field?

    On Maya LT. Why not just use Blender? It will do exactly what MayaLT does. There are a lot of difference between MayaLT and Maya you can look that up here http://www.autodesk.co.uk/products/maya/compare/compare-products
  • kunalht
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    kunalht polycounter lvl 2
    blazed wrote: »
    I was simply semi quoting something I saw in a documentary about western sweatshops in foreign lands, where they pay around $1 and some change for a day’s work, “roughly a bowl of rice”.

    [FONT=&quot]Sorry OP if I caused any offence to you. [/FONT]

    No no,it's alright. Actually that's true.They really pay very less salary here in India.
    At first I got call from a company near my city for working on game art, they said they'll pay 8k Rs/month(near 140$/month). Its really very very less. Like 140$/month full time job. REALLY??
    So, i decided to start looking for freelance work.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    I would concentrate on getting your portfolio up to snuff. As it stands, it seems you are not ready for any kind of market, freelance or otherwise.

    To put a positive spin on this, you're a student. Use your free time to bring your portfolio up to were it needs to be. Finished Pieces. Polished Pieces. Pieces that illustrate without a shadow of a doubt that you know your craft. Without a good portfolio, it does not matter where you look, or how many contacts you have. Either you won't get hired, or you will get hired by people that have no idea what they are doing.

    Portfolio. First and Foremost.
  • kunalht
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    kunalht polycounter lvl 2
    okay thanks...
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    one simple trick to test your models better is to use a more specular and glossy material, the matte material that you use pretty much hides all your shading and construction errors
  • kunalht
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    kunalht polycounter lvl 2
    Neox wrote: »
    one simple trick to test your models better is to use a more specular and glossy material, the matte material that you use pretty much hides all your shading and construction errors

    alright thanks!
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