Hi guys, I am reviewing some stuffs of study and work and I have some issues that some time troubles me, and I would love your help if you guys can
1) Should I always keep the edge flow quad/tris ?? Some time, for a small detail I need a entire edge loop for the shape that i desire and it grows my polycount
2)Sometimes to avoid a retopo for Hard Surface I just prefer keep my model all quads(suffering with the shape) and use holding edges/crease process to subdivide to a High Poly, I just not sure if it is the best way
So I am working on this reference to a unity project
And I'm almost happy with initial shape that I got
These parts are separated and I am not sure with I need and/or I have to merge them, also the bottom of the cable have 6 sides, I really need make them quads ????
High poly or low? High poly doesn't really matter, as long as it smooths fine. So n-gons are fine on planar surfaces. Lowpoly can also have n-gons but these will be/should be triangulated on export. You should usually check this as automatic triangulation can be crappy. (You want to avoid long and thin triangles). As for how much geo to use, it comes down to what you need to define the silhouette and what is required for adequate smoothing/shading.
Not 100% sure what you mean by retopo, but you can avoid manually removing edge loops from your highpoly to get your lowpoly by using a different workflow that involves starting with a detailed blockout that becomes your high and lowpoly. Ben Bolton demonstates this workflow in these videos.
You might find this thread interesting
Thank you for your time Bek, this threads was really helpful indeed, so I have modified a little my geometry, I put some pieces together like the "ring" of trigger and I added some extra subdivision for more shape precision, my polycount growed of course, but much less with optimized triangles, I am pretty happy with my shape right now, so I will finish a initial high poly for a bake, I am not sure if i will get bad look on my normal map with my geometry, but lets see, should I will also try to bake into the low poly that have full quads and check the results
For now I got 1993 tris, I thought 1500 tris would be enough, what do you think about this geometry ?
Only add extra non-silhouette edges when you need them for better baking.
Also the detailing depends on its use in-game. If this is a FPS model, to be held by the player, then the closeup parts get more detail than the rest. For example if the inside of the barrel is never seen by the player, then those vertices can be eliminated. However if a reload animation shows it, then it needs to be there.
If this is a pickup weapon, for example dropped by another player for you to pick up in-game, then it can be a lot lower detail, as you would never see it closeup. The game would switch to the FPS model after picking it up.
In that thread, take a good look at Earthquake's models. Notice how his in-game model has high detailed parts on the top back of the gun, where they are close to the player's viewpoint.
I got you, thank you very much Eric, it is for a FPS game, its have reload animation can be checked on a 3D viewer, I will try my best to reduce this, I am just scared =/
Don't be nervous, just do what you think is best. All of us are always learning! I have 23 years experience making game art, but I am learning new things every day, and there is much yet for me to learn.
Well, I am posting here because I want a tecnical feedback about the entire context including the polycount, it has 1.7k tris
A TunrTable video
Ok, thank you!!!