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Kain's Throne Room WIP

So i started working on this for the throne room contest, but i didnt start until Mid March and i don't get much practice so I'm a bit slow. Point being i missed the deadline but decided to keep working on it. The premise of the throne room is that once Kain was purified by the spirit reaver, he should be able to restore the pillars and rule Nosgoth long into the future. I figured i would set this piece a couple thousand years after Raziel was reborn and slaughtered his brethren. I'm sure someone who is way more familiar with the games than me(which would be a fanatic, because these are my favorite games) will be able to discredit the story explaining this throne room, but in all honesty i just wanted an excuse to create this, lol. Anyway, before anyone critiques these shots, i will point out what i know is wrong:

1. There are lighting artifacts/bad lighting in some areas, i just wanted to get some images out and wasn't super concerned about this.

2. There are some smoothing issues in some areas, especially the rocky cavernous areas, i haven't set any smoothing groups yet, they are all default.

3. Scale, the whole thing should be much larger or at least look larger, not sure how to solve this as i notice that scaling it doesn't seem to make much difference from the camera pov. right now it is 50 feet across, scaling it to 200 feet looks virtually the same. any input on this is welcome. (Tried adjusting the field of view, which helps, but gives everything a fish eye look)

4. Some of the geometry looks simplistic, Generally this was the idea, i wanted a nice clean geometric look for most of the structure while keeping some of the Gothic feel.

I'm sure there's plenty of other issues, I'm pretty out of practice and i wasnt even that great when i was practiced, lol. Anyway, feel free to Critique and offer suggestions. Thanks.

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