Home The Q-Branch Quote game!

I don't feel very safe

woman1: "What would it be like, I mean, really like? Who would survive?"

man1: "Who would survive...

"It's an interesting question. I would predict... Convicts and file clerks. The worst convicts, those deep down in solitary confinement, and the most ordinary file clerks, probably for large insurance companies. Because they would be in fire-proof rooms. Protected by tons of the best insulator in the world. Paper.

"And imagine what will happen... The small group of vicious criminals will fight the army of file clerks for the remaining means of life. The convicts will know violence, but the file clerks will know organization.

"Who do you think will win?"


  • raleif
    man1: "Maybe they think that even capitalists aren't that insane. To want to kill after they themselves have been killed."
  • raleif
    man1: "I can no longer receive tactical alterations by voice."
    man2: "I know that, but-"
    man1: "What you're telling me, I've been specifically ordered not to do!"
    man2: "Damn it Grady, this is the President!"
  • raleif
    man1: "The fact is, the machines work so fast! They are so intricate... the mistakes they make are so subtle. That very often, a human being just can't know... whether a machine is lying or telling the truth."
  • raleif
    man1: "Any leaks on this, the guy and his paper are dead now and forever, ya got that?"
    woman1: "I'll tell Joe in just those words."
  • raleif
    man1: "A group of our bombers each loaded with two 20-megaton bombs is flying towards your country."
    man2: "We shall watch with great interest... while you recall them."
    man1: "So far we have been unable to recall them."
    man2: "Are the planes being flown by crazy men?"
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    hmm...I never saw it, but perhaps Dr. Strangelove?
  • raleif
    no, but very, VERY close. In fact, they were released the same year, by the same production/distribution company, and with very similar plots. (Kubrick insisted Dr. Strangelove be released first, and this movie has, unfortunately, been a bit overshadowed ever since... Unfortunate, as in my opinion it is a fantastic movie, with several great performances, and really interesting audio/visual choices.) Someone should really get it now.

    Anyway, next quote...

    man1: "I had the dream again. It always ends at the same place. I guess that's just as well... Sometime I'm going to see that Matador, find out who he is. When I do, that's it! That's the end of me."
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    On the Beach, perhaps? I think that was a bit before Strangelove.
  • raleif
    guess again....

    man1: "Maybe... maybe he doesn't know his wife is there?"
    man2: "He knows."
  • raleif
    man1: "What you're seeing, gentlemen, is an unidentified flying object picked up by our radar. Until we get positive identification, we regard it as hostile."
    man2: "What do you do about it?"
    man1: "Well, we've gone to condition Blue, which is our lowest form of readiness. At the same time, we've informed those vindicator bombers that you saw in the air before. They will now start to fly toward their fail-safe points."
    man2: "Fail-Safe?"
    man1: "Fixed points in the sky on the perimeter of the Soviet Union, which are changed from day to day. Those planes will fly to those points and orbit until they get a positive order to go in."
  • diedir
  • raleif
    No, that's a little over 20 years too late. But I appreciate the enthusiastic answer.
    Honestly, I didn't figure it would be this hard... I mean, it's no Citizen Cane, but it's certainly not unknown.

    As an added clue, the title of the movie is in one of the above quotes.

    New quote...

    man1: "You're justifying murder."
    man2: "Yes... to keep from being murdered!"
    man1: "In the name of what? To preserve what? Even if we do survive, what are we, better than what we say they are? What gives us the right to live, then? What makes us worth surviving, Groteschele, that we are ruthless enough to strike first?!"
    man2: "YES! Those who can survive, are the only ones worth surviving!"
    man1: "Fighting for your life isn't the same as murder."
    man2: "Where do you draw the line once you know what the enemy is? How long would the Nazis have kept it up, General, if every Jew they came after had met them with a gun in his hand? But I learned from them, General Black. Oh, I learned."
    man1: "You learned too well, Professor. You learned so well that now there's no difference between you and what you want to kill."
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I decided to look it up. I don't think it's a movie that I've heard of before.
  • raleif
    hmm... it was never my intention to pick a movie no one had heard of. And I think, with the clues I've given, anyone who has heard of it would have gotten it.

    Might be best to move on? You want to go next?

  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    I looked it up too...yeah, you have to be careful with any film older than the 80s or so around here--even classics. But that's the way the game rolls! I guess it's you now, Jackablade.
  • raleif
    yup, I'm pulling the plug. The game shouldn't be held up like this.
    Next person to comment gets to go.

    For those of you who are curious, here is the link to it's IMDB page, and here is the link to it's rottentomatoes page.

    It's a dramatic movie, and often described as "one of the most horrific movies I ever saw". It definitely stays with you, with an ending I really hope you don't spoil for yourself.

    Anyway, like I said whoever wants it... post and its yours.
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    Old movies always stump me.

    I'll get this game going witha quick an easy one
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