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IN PROGRESS: Issue with 3DO Diffuse/Spec/Gloss sliders...


I was wondering if other folks are experiencing the same issue. In the 3DO window, when you have a multi-grouped mesh loaded, there is a problem with 3DO picking a random group as it's default when you use display on "plane" or "cube" and displays the randomly selected group's textures. When you click the "refresh" button it adjusts to the group you have selected HOWEVER changing the diffuse/spec/gloss/tile/height etc sliders no longer has any effect. The other post processing options are random, some work, some don't.

To clarify this only happens when you are selecting sphere, plane, cube or Cylinder to display textures on on a multi-grouped mesh item.

I tried this with several different meshes, and same issue, so I assume this is a bug. Anyone else has had this happen to them?


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