before i begin texturing im supposed to bake a normal map from the high poly? But when I begin texturing in photoshop, I often end up with a defuse map made from textures taken from photographs (not sure if thats how pros do it) and that can be converted to a normal map. So which one am i supposed to use? the normal map from high poly or one from textured defuse? Or am i missing something? A side question, should i use beveling when creating a low poly object? And at times i need to add simple details like screws and bolts, whats the best way to do it? I mainly work with maya, ddo/ndo, mudbox. and when i test this on a simple cube this is the result: after baking from a beveled cube onto the simple cube it has darkened sharp edges.
As for your smoothing errors, do you have smoothing group splits where you have UV splits? Also make sure you use a cage when you bake.