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Useful Script for Exporting 3DSMax Scenes and location data to UE 4

polycounter lvl 7
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Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
I stumbled upon a handy little script that I thought some of you might like. It basically automates the whole moving objects to the 0,0,0 position and back during export which is great if you have multiple models in one scene file.

Another nice addition to the script is copying all of the transformation data from a 3D Studio max scene to the clipboard which Unreal Engine 4 can read = great for using some of Max's tools and scripts to align a bunch of instances (lamp posts along a spline, city generators, etc.) that might take too long to do by hand in Unreal.


Go go automation


  • Joebewon
    Offline / Send Message
    Joebewon polycounter lvl 12
    Aww dang this looks super useful!
    Thanks for the share Deathstick!
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Does it have a script to make your boss less ignorant? :^)))

    Thanks for this though
  • Finalhart
    Offline / Send Message
    Finalhart polycounter lvl 6
    I tried this one some weeks ago but after running de script nothing happend, do you know what that could be? (I'm using 2014)

    Edit: Never mind, this is pretty clear in the video i don't know how i didn't see it before :o
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    Here's another useful script/tutorial I found which is great for if you want to use 3D Studio Max's particle flow to animate a bunch of objects, and then convert that into meshes with baked keyframes to import into Unreal Engine 4. The link to the script is in the video's description.

    Could be useful for debris getting caught in a vortex like in Half-life 2 Episode 2's Combine Advisor scene, a bunch of vehicles following a spline or whatever fancy thing you can think of with space warps to animate a bunch of objects at once, 3D motion graphicy type animations in Unreal, etc.

    The video is for Unity but obviously it works for Unreal Engine 4 as well. If you find all your objects are being imported as separate skeletal meshes and don't want that/ want it was one simple animation piece that you can play, you can simply create something like a dummy or point helper and link all of the objects to that (I think convert dummies to bones also has to be checked on FBX export although I'm not 100% sure on that).

  • Eric Chadwick
    Moving this thread from General Discussion to the Unreal section.
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