Hi guys,
Sorry for the vague title, let me explain: in every version of Zbrush I ever worked with (at home / university / work) I always encounter an issue with rotating inside the viewport. There seems to be at least one tiny spot on the Wacom tablet (equivalent of a single pixel), which snaps the viewport to a side / front view when the pen is dragged over it. It's usually near (or precisely?) in the centre of the tablet's working area. Continuing to drag the Wacom pen past that spot continues the rotation as normal, but returning to it triggers the snap again, every time.
You'd think it'd be quite simple to just avoid that little point, but it's quite surprising how often the pen is drawn to it. The snapping gets pretty disruptive over time and feels totally unnecessary..
Is this a feature which I am not aware of, and can be disabled? Many thanks in advance!!
Yup, I know about the snap feature using Shift, but I promise this is not the case here. Zbrush abruptly snaps to an orthographic-type view for a split-second while I free-rotate the camera. UPDATE: I now notice that this also happens when using the mouse!
Is anybody else having this, and knows exactly what I mean?
Any more ideas would we appreciated - playing with the Navigation settings under Preferences didn't seem to help.. (but big thanks anyway!)
Nothing weird set in there? Sticky Keys or Filter Keys on?