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Sketchbook: Gnarf

Hey there,

my name is Steven Bagatzky, i'm a freelance illustrator from germany, mostly working on advertising storyboards but also do concept art, print illustration... whatever comes up and fits.
I'm finishing the last week of a long term contract and figured that this would be a good time to draw some things for myself again and finally join polycount as an active member after lurking about for a long while.

I often doodle NSFW-stuff, but i won't post it here to keep this thread safe for everybody. If you wish to see NSFW-drawings feel free to visit my blog.

Here are my sketches/doodles/warmups etc. for march so far.




  • bounchfx
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    bounchfx mod
    You have a fantastic style Steven! your drawings feel full of life and I'm a big fan of how you render your pieces when you choose to color them up. Really looking forward to more !
  • Gnarf
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    Thanks bounchfx!
    I hope to at least add something once or twice per week.

    Yesterdays drawing was heavily influenced by Kygo's tropical house mix, warm, sunny, smiling.. . Probably a good thing that i spent more time waiting on feedback than on working, otherwise i wouldn't have been able to get this sketch finished yesterday.

  • Gnarf
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    Maybe i'll find the time to color these guys later, at least the guy to the far left i'd like to get some color in.
  • lfargo77
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    lfargo77 polycounter lvl 5
    Very Cool Cartoon style love the rabbit in image 2
  • Gnarf
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    thanks lfargo77, glad you found something you like :)

    We had visitors through the easter weekend so i didn't get about to do anything until today.
    I set up a digital sketchbook in Manga Studio for convenience, the odd format of some sketches is a result of that. The following sketch is a double page spread with all the additional bleed space etc.

  • Gnarf
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    good morning you nice folks at polycount. here are todays warmup sketches.
  • Gnarf
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    I just got permission to show a small excerpt of the earlier work i did in the past couple of months for the great people at Socialpoint.
    If you're interested in seeing a handfull of images like this conceptart_stevenbagatzky_socialpoint_dragoncity_04-800x450.jpg
    feel free to visit my portfolio site.
  • Gnarf
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    And so it happened what always happens, life and work get in the way.
    But here are a couple of sketches i did in the past few days. Just experimenting on facial proportions, body proportions and varying brush-setups for lineart in Manga Studio.

  • Gnarf
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    Weekend sketch. I used 3 different Manga Studio lineart brushes by DAUB and learned that they don’t show much visual difference if the brush is used small or the file has a medium to high resolution.
    I’ll probably do another experiment throughout the week where i’ll try working with a rougher outline, more spontaneous lineweight variation
  • Gnarf
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    so throughout the weekend i did a couple of quick experiments inspired by magazine illustrations from the 50s to 70s. Here are the first 3 of 5. Besides the general source of inspiration they only have in common the brushes which i used. Theme and my focus on what i wanted to explore was different for each image.

  • JTArnoldArt
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    JTArnoldArt polycounter lvl 2
    Very cool stuff. Really liking the set of four creatures sketches(#4).
  • Gnarf
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    Thanks JTArnoldArt, glad you found something you like, there will be more creature sketches upcoming for sure since it's something i often sketch while waiting for feedback.

    Here are images 4&5 of my magazine inspired illustration experiments from two weeks ago, a quick nonesensical sketch before i went away to work at a clients offices for a bit again and then i did a painting of a dragon this weekend because i've mostly done lineart-based artwork for the past several months and felt like exercising.

  • Gnarf
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    A quick character doodle

    One thing i enjoyed when i was doing the magazine-inspired illustrations a couple of weeks back was to work with texture & brushstrokes and let them stand instead of rendering everything smoothly. I revisited this aspect in this image and on purpose worked in a small resolution that forced me – with the way i set up particular brushes – to not go into too much detail (for the most part).

    And another quick doodle
  • Gnarf
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    Aquaintances/former co-workers started a games company and they're doing a little live-contest for their first game on a tradefair. I'm not there, but they posted about it on their facebook and i decided to join in. I guess drawing storyboards for advertising a new electricity provider wasn't enough work for today. Anyways, here are the two guys.

  • mcbirdyturdy
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    mcbirdyturdy polycounter lvl 4
    Wow, i am really liking your art. I appreciate the stuff that is in your style and the fact you can go outside of that and do something different. Keep up the great work!
  • Gnarf
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    Thanks Mcbirdyturdy, storyboarding for advertising is very straight forward and artistically limiting, so i like to experiment when i can in my free time.

    Couldn't help myself to do another doodle for TinyRoar.
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