I'm modeling a squirrel (quadruped)in Maya 2015 and have fully rigged it but didn't make a root control that the whole rig is moved with, so when I try to move the whole rig (by selecting all my controls) the squirrel's mesh goes crazy.
I've tried just parenting everything(controls and rig) under a new control but that didn't work, it just messed up my parenting system and deformed the mesh.
This is the rig:
and this is my outliner:
i didn't open everything in the second picture.
I was hoping someone could tell me how to make a root control without messing up the parenting system I have for all my other controls?
// Error: line 0: Freeze Transform was not applied because Build2_0_11_Squirrel_root.translateX has incoming connection. //
When building the skeleton I did have trouble freezing the positions, but I continued rigging and adding controls without freezing all the joints. Now i'm kicking myself because I think i'm going to have to rebuild the whole rig again.
You don't need to, nor should you ever freeze transforms on the joints themselves.
This happends when i move "squirrel_Ctril" in Y a few units.
It looks like the IK's (Tail, Spine, and back legs) distort everything else, but I'm not sure how to correct that.
all the TailBase_ctrls and Build2_0_11_LBLeg_ctrls are the same so I only opened one of each to save on space for the pic.
anything with an IK is what's warping everything, except the front paws for some unknown reason.
I'm trying to find what the front legs have, or don't have, that makes them able to move with the control, while the back legs, spine and tail don't move with the control.
This is The Left Front Leg Control:
This is the Left Back Leg Control:
this is the Tail_Ctrl:
this is the Squirrel Root Joints showing the spine and canstraints:
this is the waist control that holds the spine controls nad Spine IK:
the Tutorial i specifically used for this model was "Rigging a Quadruped in Maya by Jason Baskin"