Hi all, Need some input into these textures I have here. These textures are made for Skywind, the remake/remaster of Morrowind to bring it up to modern visual standards while keeping everything as close to the original vision as possible.
So this thread is largely to get advice so that this can really make the Skywind project stand out.
First off We are currently working on new Lava, So after putting heaps of references together I attacked a Lava Drape (When Lava streams together and flows down a slope)
I also hacked away at one layer for the dried lava beds that will litter the Molag Amur and Red Mountain regions. The plan is to have a secondary smooth/blobby texture to overlay this one so that these lava beds have a real sense of depth and an almost organic feel.
There has also been a recent push for more variation in the organic life of Vvardenfell so i have created multible versions of the iconic 'Emperor Parasols'
Anyway thanks for checking this out. We will be posting a large art dump thread when the project is completed as there is a lot of really cool art that really needs to be shown off on its own or as a scene.
We are always looking for more environment artists who have free time to help build this awesome world.
Here is a quick test unity build from my testing, No vertex AO in the Unity one because im lazy when it comes to shaders.
Ingame shot of the test import
anyways looking at the picture of the room with the tree pillar in the center. the beams/branches coming off the pillar dont blend when they connect. an easy way to fix it would be to make like an iron ring around the ends or like a leather wrap so it looks like something is connecting them. Ur lava texture looks really cool great work