Hello everyone! Im not really that new to the polycount forums but I havent posted. I plan on changing that as my Wife and I, both game artists, are going to need to expand our horizons in terms of the software we use. Im fairly well versed in Max and Zbrush at the moment but need to tackle some new things.
That being said, with both of us needing to work, Im in the fun situation of needing a new computer. The last time we needed a new machine, we built it ourselves, and while ultimately that turned out okay, this time we were leaning towards maybe ordering from a site that lets you customize a machine. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what site to use? We have checked a couple out, like Falcon Northwest and Maingear PC, which seem both fine so far but I could be missing something.
Anyways, any information or tips on what place and what parts would be greatly appreciated.
The people there are really nice and can help you with picking out parts for a build. Or you could just copy someone elses build from there.
Thats the only one i have personal experience with google "custom build pc" and you'll get a lot of stores that do it.
As a warning though try to show some restraint, it's easy to rack up a huge price tag when you're picking parts XD
Falcon NW makes good machines but they are expensive. We use those at work.
The reality is that the cheapest build is going to be the one you build yourself. Most places are going to have a markup on each part over Newegg's pricing for the parts / labor, and you'll be looking at several hundred dollars over a DIY build.
There are usually a lot of local shops that will build them for you as well, some will even let you buy the parts and they'll just provide the labor which can bridge the gap between buying a machine from the internet vs building yourself.
However, checking local shops isn't a bad idea at all. As long as they stress test.
They list out all the parts that work well with each other and they even list build prices.
Good luck with your build!
Ahh, that should help a lot even when customizing a bundle. I think I might be shooting for something in the "enthusiastic" range.
Thanks again for the replies guys!
Going off of this, the related sub http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcforme is super great as well. You just say what you want and people post builds for you, where /r/buildapc is more "Hey, I made this build, what do you think?" Either way, both subs are great.
Great for pre-built rigs.