Hi all,
I have a quick question. So for Environment/Prop work, I've been starting to use Knald recently, and I really like the results that I have been getting. I have heard on these forums and read online that Quixel is software that does amazing work on texture files.
My question is should I go ahead and buy the Quixel Suite, and use both that and Knald? I have watched tutorials on Quixel, however some people have said that the software is mainly for people who know how they want their textures to come out. I just don't know if I should buy Quixel, or if I should just use Knald for now since I'm still working on my portfolio. This might sound like a silly question, but I don't know if I should invest in buying software that I might not need at the moment, or if it would greatly help my portfolio work.
Any feedback and advice on this is greatly appreciated. Thank you
Substance Designer and Painter look more interesting, but I don't think they are yet a full substitute for Photoshop.
[FONT="]- it's a photoshop plug-in with all its limitations[/FONT]
[FONT="]- extremely slow, sluggish and crashes like hell[/FONT]
[FONT="]- you always have to wait for every tiny input you make[/FONT] concerning realt time rendering in the viewer
[FONT="]- sluggish UI[/FONT]
[FONT="]- you can't paint on 3D mesh[/FONT]
[FONT="]For this purpose I would rather buy Substance Painter.[/FONT]
I will also say that Painter still has a long way to go before I am 100% happy with it as a full replacement for OG photoshop texturing. It still crashes, has odd file directory setups that make installing and using on limited access work computers a hassle (ex. they install the brush presets and what not to be automatically loaded when opening substance in your user folder, for work computers that have that blocked, you have to reimport every single time), and there is definitely basic functionality that has yet to come through the pipe like viewport mesh isolation tools. You can isolate, but only if they are broken up in to different material groups when exporting the mesh from chosen 3D Suite.
IMO its definitely personal preference. I know many people who like one or the other.