When i bake and have such a little error, i startup my photoshop mad skills and paint the troubled areas. Since what i want is to output a texture and not sitting around and press the bake button in Maya.
peanut, that's not a "little error", you'll learn a lot more by taking some time to figure out what went wrong, so it doesn't happen next time, then by doing some sloppy fix in Photoshop.
Hard to say what went wrong there without seeing the scene, but yeah something seems wonky with your low poly mesh.
If you'd like to upload the scene, I could look at it.
If you're baking with Maya's transfer maps, make sure the high and low poly have two different materials.
Try unlocking the mesh normals and then applying the appropriate edge hardening( if any) and bake again.
Everything works fine here, I'm betting it's something wrong with your shader, or visualization, normal map and mesh are fine.
What kind of shader are you throwing onto this?
Hey, maybe it's a flipped green channel, change tangent space under shape attribute to right or left handed with shaders on, and I remember a bug where the tangent space flipped by itself, you had to press 3 and 1 to make it normal.
Ok, so I had absolutely no problems. The bake came out fine.
I would try exporting the object and reimporting into a new scene. What do your transfer maps settings look like? If you're using the search envelope does it fully enclose the highpoly?
Hard to say what went wrong there without seeing the scene, but yeah something seems wonky with your low poly mesh.
Have you conform the normals ?
If you're baking with Maya's transfer maps, make sure the high and low poly have two different materials.
Try unlocking the mesh normals and then applying the appropriate edge hardening( if any) and bake again.
I checked and it's all normal, but thanks for the information I didn't knew about that function
I'm really not sure what you are asking, but if it's about normal flipped I have checked and it's good on both models.
Thanks for the tip with materials, but it's not what is causing this.
Here's a link to the scene: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/97019479/NormalMapBaking.mb
What kind of shader are you throwing onto this?
ShaderFX, and i'm viewing it on maya 2.0 viewport
I'll search how to do that
Tested and still wrong
I've pressed 1 and 3 with both right and left handed option
I would try exporting the object and reimporting into a new scene. What do your transfer maps settings look like? If you're using the search envelope does it fully enclose the highpoly?
Yes it's fully enclosing them(with the exception being where the low polly doesn't have geometry)
Here is a picture of my settings
Thanks all for the help!